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Join Our Training Team

Are you:

  • An EMDRIA-Approved Consultant or an EMDRIA Certified Therapist wanting to become an EMDRIA-Consultant?, and 

  • Interested in joining our training team as a Facilitator and Consultant for our EMDRIA-Approved Basic Trainings? 


If so, email us at


We welcome clinicians who are BIPOC and from other marginalized identities. Please learn about the Racial Equity Support Initiative here:


Here is the process:

  1. After some preliminary email communication, if the fit feels like a good one, we would schedule some consultation sessions to get to know one another, discuss the process of shadowing a training, and the potential of becoming a paid Facilitator/Consultant in future trainings.

  1. With some relationship, a sense of alignment, and mutual agreement for the clinician to take the first step toward facilitating trainings and providing consultation for future trainings, the next step is to shadow a full training (continuing to meet for consultation together). During that training, the clinician shadows other facilitators/consultants during consultation groups, moving from an observer role into co-facilitating and then taking the lead in facilitating those groups (depending on clinician's readiness to do so). 

  2. If we agree that the fit is good for the clinician to join the team and the clinician is ready to move into a full facilitator and consultant role for the training, then dates would be identified for the clinician to provide paid facilitation and consultation for a future training. 

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