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EMDR Therapy Refresher Courses

Elizabeth Legg, PhD, LPC, NCC with The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center is an EMDRIA-Approved EMDR Training Provider for both Virtual and In Person EMDR Trainings in Denver, Colorado.

This EMDR Therapy Refresher is a multi-module course for clinicians who have previously completed an EMDRIA-Approved training but have not applied that learning for a period of time, lack confidence in their EMDR skills, or wish to strengthen their understanding and practice of EMDR therapy. It is also for those who strive to integrate EMDR within an attachment-friendly and relational approach.

Working on Laptop

On Demand

EMDR Refresher Course

Part I

Receive 8 CE credits


Access for 90 days from

date of registration.


​​Cost:  $175


Course Requirements:  EMDR Basic Training

Course Instructor:  Elizabeth Legg


Part I Agenda

Virtual Team Meeting

Virtual Live

EMDR Refresher Course

Part II

Receive 7 CE credits


October 3, 2025

8:30am-5pm MT​

Cost:  $200

​Course Requirements:  EMDR Basic Training, EMDR Refresher Course  Part I On Demand


Course Instructor:  Elizabeth Legg

Facilitators: TBD

Registration deadline: TBD

​Part II Agenda

Participant Testimonials

From our October 2023 Refresher Course

"Great! Review of material was good as a refresher! The live class was awesome to practice and see it in motion. I also really appreciated having 3 facilitators that had different focuses sharing!"


"I was extremely happy with the training and was surprised by how much I learned in just 2 days with only one day being live. I really appreciated the format of the live class and how much time we had to practice and have Q&A. Thank you all so much for this training!!"


"Fantastic training overall!! Would highly recommend!"

The EMDR Therapy Refresher course includes a 2-Part Training Itinerary: a Part I On Demand learning experience through recorded webinars as well as a Part II Live Practicum and Q&A portion (offered both Virtually and In Person).

The On Demand (Part I) portion of the EMDR Therapy Refresher consists of 8 hours of material that include a review of the following:


  • The Adaptive Information Processing Model

  • The 8 phases of EMDR treatment

  • Modifications for children/adolescents

  • Tools for complex clients

  • Extended Preparation/Resource Development and Installation

  • Strategies for blocked processing

  • Considerations and modifications for complex PTSD and attachment trauma

  • Protocols/modifications for dissociation, anxiety disorders and addictions

For those who choose to register for the Part II Live Practicum and Q&A portion of the course (optional; offered both In Person and Virtually Live), participants will be expected to watch all 8 hours of material prior to attending the Part II, where they will then practice those newly reviewed skills with peers in a supervised practicum setting.

EMDR Therapy Refresher Part II
Live Interactive Webinar & In Person


(Note: This is a Commercial Workshop)

To register for the Part II EMDR Therapy Refresher course, complete the registration form and make a payment for the $200 registration fee. Your registration will be confirmed by email upon receipt of the registration form and deposit.


Course created:  10/2020       Course updated:  5/2024



Live Interactive Webinar:  Zoom 

In-Person:  2253 Downing St, Denver, CO 80205 - The Gebhard Mansion


It is important to us that advanced clinical training and professional development be accessible and affordable for clinicians. Therefore, we intentionally keep the overall cost of the trainings low in order to make them as accessible as possible. Many mental health therapists are faced with socioeconomic and/or other barriers that make it difficult to afford various trainings. Therefore, the options below are designed to offer financial support to attend our EMDR trainings. If you, or a clinician you know, cannot afford to pay full price for one of our upcoming trainings, please review the options below that are offered to increase access. Payment Plan: If you are able to pay the full registration fee but need to space out payments, we would be happy to provide a payment plan that allows for you to pay in installments. Email us at to arrange a payment plan that will work for you. Partial Scholarship: Many mental health therapists experience inequitable employment and compensation that make it challenging to afford EMDR trainings and other advanced clinical trainings. Others are experiencing financial hardship for a variety of reasons. We provide partial scholarship to help reduce financial barriers that might otherwise prevent clinicians from accessing professional development opportunities to better serve their clients. We offer one discounted slot per training cohort to licensed mental health professionals of $50 off the EMDR Therapy Refresher. Please click here to complete the partial scholarship application form. Priority is given to Black, Indigenous, other people of color (BIPOC), LGBTQ+, disabled and other minoritized clinicians.


1. Describe the eight phases of EMDR Therapy. 2. Identify three elements of the Adaptive Information Processing Model. 3. Utilize the criteria for client screening for EMDR treatment. 4. Develop a treatment plan to prioritize targets for EMDR processing. 5. Describe the protocol for closing down incomplete sessions. 6. Implement three strategies to assist with blocked processing. 7. Describe two strategies to use with complex PTSD clients. 8. Provide two strategies to use with dissociative clients. 9. Describe two strategies to work with anxiety. 10. Identify two protocols to work with addictions. 11. Provide two modifications for working with children. 12. Describe two ways in which to individualize EMDR therapy to different cultural groups.


This EMDR Therapy Refresher is for clinicians who have previously completed an EMDRIA-Approved training but have not applied that learning for a period of time, lack confidence in their EMDR skills, or wish to strengthen their understanding and practice of EMDR therapy. It is also for those who strive to integrate EMDR within an attachment-friendly and relational approach.


EMDRIA: Elizabeth Legg, PhD, LPC, NCC is approved by the EMDR International Association to provide Commercial EMDR Trainings. The Approved Curriculum for this provider demonstrates consistency with EMDRIA training requirements. EMDR Therapy Refresher Part II has been approved for 7 EMDRIA credits (EC Program Approval Number: 20003-05). The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC): The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7043. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center maintains responsibility for this program and its content. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center, provider # 1923, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 7/23/2024-7/23-2025. Social workers completing this course receive 7 clinical continuing educational credits. ​​In order to receive continuing education credit, you must 1) attend the 7 hour course in full, and 2) complete the post-test (assessment questions) with a score of 80% or higher. Participants have three attempts to complete (pass) the post-test. Please note: Participants seeking ACE CE credit MUST complete an evaluation and include their full name. ​​Once completed, the CE Certificate will be delivered via email within 5 business day, from


Elizabeth Legg, PhD, LPC, NCC is a Licensed Psychologist, EMDRIA-Approved Consultant and Training Provider, and Certified EMDR Therapist. She has worked in the mental health field for over 20 years, as a Professional Counselor since 2003 and as a Psychologist since 2013. She works full-time in private practice, The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center, in Denver, Colorado. The focus of her practice includes trauma treatment from an EMDR and AEDP therapeutic orientation, couples therapy from an Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy approach, as well as supervision, consultation, and training. She completed her PhD in Counseling Psychology at the University of Northern Colorado, where her dissertation focused on EMDR within couples therapy. She also developed the Denver Collaborative Health Center, a network of skilled independent professionals dedicated to providing quality health care services to treat the whole person, including a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Psychologist, Rolfer, Yoga Therapist, Massage Therapist and Craniosacral Practitioner, Integrative Healer /Curandera, and a Full Spectrum Doula/Herbalist/Ancestral Medicine Practitioner.


- Laptop or desktop computer - High-speed internet - A Zoom account - A well-lit room so video of yourself is clear - Computer microphone - Quality sound such as speakers, ear buds or headphones


This workshop is held in facilities which are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request special accommodations, please contact Elizabeth Legg at Participants can email Elizabeth Legg up to 5 days prior to attendance at an event or before committing to attendance, whichever comes first. We will respond to all reasonable requests for accommodations. We will respond to requests and clarify options for accommodations within 2 business days of the receipt of the request, barring any unforeseen circumstances.


The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center and Elizabeth Legg are fully committed to conducting all activities in strict conformation with the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), the American Psychological Association (APA), American Counseling Association (ACA), National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), and EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) grievance procedures as well as with all legal and ethical responsibilities of those organizations. We are committed to transparent, respectful, fair, and non-discriminatory promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of the The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center. While The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center goes to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate areas of concern, there will be occasional issues which come to our attention, requiring intervention and/or action on the part of The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center. During a training, should a concern arise for any participant, Elizabeth Legg, The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center, and our advisory committee are invested in addressing those concerns in a timely, thoughtful and respectful manner, to include changing practice partners, addressing staff or facility issues, improving course content, etc. All grievances (including complaints about course content, speakers, facilities, and nonreceipt of certificates, as well as refund requests and other miscellaneous occurrences) are reviewed and addressed by our advisory committee, which is made up of Psychologists, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Clinical Social Workers and the ACE Social Work Consultant. Our advisory committee can be found in the Training Team section of the page. Our committee will make every effort possible to include the most appropriate member(s) of the advisory committee in the response to any grievance in such a way as to lessen the risk of bias and involvement in multiple roles, while increasing the opportunities for problem resolution, strengthen decisions regarding such complaints, and to maximize objectivity. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center’s approach to resolving grievances is always from the perspective of what is in the best interest of the participant. All complaints and grievances are reviewed within 5 working days. Formal grievances are required to be written and emailed to and will be responded to within 10 business days. If The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center is am unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you have the right to file a grievance with the Mental Health Licensing Section of the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA): 1560 Broadway Street, Suite 1350, Denver, CO 80202; 303-894-7800.

Instructor Part II
On Demand EMDR Refresher

EMDR Therapy Refresher Part I On Demand

The On Demand (Part I) portion of the EMDR Therapy Refresher consists of 8 hours of material that include a review of the following:

-The Adaptive Information Processing Model -The 8 phases of EMDR treatment -Modifications for children/adolescents -Tools for complex clients -Extended Preparation/Resource Development and Installation -Strategies for blocked processing -Considerations and modifications for complex PTSD and attachment trauma -Protocols/modifications for dissociation, anxiety disorders and addictions

​Click here to read the full Agenda and see the total number of course hours


Course created:  10/2020    Course updated:  5/2024


When participants purchase the Part I On Demand portion of the course, they will have access to 8 hours of recorded teachings. For those who choose to register for the Part II In Person Practicum and Consultation (optional), participants will be expected to watch all 8 hours of material prior to attending the Part II, where they will then have the opportunity to practice applying those newly reviewed skills. Below is a description of the material covered in the Part I On Demand portion:

Module 1 -Introduction, orientation, and overview for course -Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) Model -Phase 1: Client History and Treatment Planning Module 2 -Phase 2: Preparation -Adaptations for Working with Children and Adolescents -Resource Development and Installation/Extended Preparation -Somatic Awareness -Window of Tolerance -Porges’ Polyvagal Theory -Management of Dissociation in Preparation Stage -Affect Tolerance Tools -Mindfulness Tools -Container Exercise -Calm Place Exercise Demonstration -Ally Exercise Module 3 -Phase 3: Assessment -Adaptations for Working with Children and Adolescents -EMDR Standard Protocol Demonstration (Phase 3 through Phase 7) Module 4 -Phase 4: Desensitization -Adaptations for Working with Children and Adolescents -Strategies for Blocked Processing -Optimize Dual Attention -Cognitive/Clinical Interweaves -Complex PTSD -Attachment Trauma -Telescopic or Restricted Processing -Fractionation of Target Module 5 -Phase 5: Installation -Adaptations for Working with Children and Adolescents -Attachment Trauma Phase 6: Body Scan -Adaptations for Working with Children and Adolescents -Phase 7: Closure -Adaptations for Working with Children and Adolescents -Phase 8: Re-evaluation -​Adaptations for Working with Children and Adolescents Module 6 -Dissociation -Structural Dissociation and Parts Work -Anxiety Disorders Module 7 -Addictions -Hase's CravEx -Popky's DeTUR -Miller's FSAP -Knipe's LOUA


This EMDR Therapy Refresher is for clinicians who have previously completed an EMDRIA-Approved training but have not applied that learning for a period of time, lack confidence in their EMDR skills, or wish to strengthen their understanding and practice of EMDR therapy. It is also for those who strive to integrate EMDR within an attachment-friendly and relational approach.



U.S. Training prices for the On Demand Part I Portion



  • Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced

  • Our intended audience are therapists who have completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training if you are based in the United States or the equivalent if you are based outside of the United States. People only trained in EMDR by PESI are not eligible for the training. EMDRIA Credit will only be provided for those who have received an EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training.



Part I On-Demand Only Training is non-refundable


- Laptop or desktop computer - High-speed internet - Quality sound such as speakers, ear buds or headphones


It is important to us that advanced clinical training and professional development be accessible and affordable for clinicians. Therefore, we intentionally keep the overall cost of the trainings low in order to make them as accessible as possible. Many mental health therapists are faced with socioeconomic and/or other barriers that make it difficult to afford various trainings. Therefore, the options below are designed to offer financial support to attend our EMDR trainings. If you, or a clinician you know, cannot afford to pay full price for one of our upcoming trainings, please review the options below that are offered to increase access. ​Payment Plan: If you are able to pay the full registration fee but need to space out payments, we would be happy to provide a payment plan that allows for you to pay in installments. Email us at to arrange a payment plan that will work for you. Partial Scholarship: Many mental health therapists experience inequitable employment and compensation that make it challenging to afford EMDR trainings and other advanced clinical trainings. Others are experiencing financial hardship for a variety of reasons. We provide partial scholarship to help reduce financial barriers that might otherwise prevent clinicians from accessing professional development opportunities to better serve their clients. We offer one discounted slot per training cohort to licensed mental health professionals of $50 off the EMDR Therapy Refresher. Please click here to complete the partial scholarship application form. Priority is given to Black, Indigenous, other people of color (BIPOC), LGBTQ+, disabled and other minoritized clinicians.


-Describe the eight phases of EMDR Therapy. -Identify three elements of the Adaptive Information Processing Model. -Utilize the criteria for client screening for EMDR treatment. -Develop a treatment plan to prioritize targets for EMDR processing. -Describe the protocol for closing down incomplete sessions. -Implement three strategies to assist with blocked processing. -Describe two strategies to use with complex PTSD clients. -Provide two strategies to use with dissociative clients. -Describe two strategies to work with anxiety. -Identify two protocols to work with addictions. -Provide two modifications for working with children. -Describe two ways in which to individualize EMDR therapy to different cultural groups.


EMDRIA: Elizabeth Legg, PhD, LPC, NCC is approved by the EMDR International Association to provide Commercial EMDR Trainings. The Approved Curriculum for this provider demonstrates consistency with EMDRIA training requirements. (EC Program Approval Number: 20003-DL02) (EC Program Approval Number: 20003-05). The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7043. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center maintains responsibility for this program and its content. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center, provider # 1923, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 7/23/2024 - 7/23/2025. Social workers completing this course receive 8 total credits (1 general, 6 clinical and 1 social and cultural competence credits). In order to receive continuing education credit, you must 1) attend the 8 hour course in full, and 2) complete the post-test (assessment questions) with a score of 80% or higher. Participants have three attempts to complete (pass) the post-test. Please note: Participants seeking ACE CE credit MUST complete an evaluation and include their full name.​​ Once completed, the CE Certificate will be delivered via email within 5 business day, from

Instructor Part I


Elizabeth Legg, PhD, LPC, NCC is a Licensed Psychologist, EMDRIA-Approved Consultant and Training Provider, and Certified EMDR Therapist. She has worked in the mental health field for over 20 years, as a Professional Counselor since 2003 and as a Psychologist since 2013. She works full-time in private practice, The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center, in Denver, Colorado. The focus of her practice includes trauma treatment from an EMDR and AEDP therapeutic orientation, couples therapy from an Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy approach, as well as supervision, consultation, and training. She completed her PhD in Counseling Psychology at the University of Northern Colorado, where her dissertation focused on EMDR within couples therapy. She also developed the Denver Collaborative Health Center, a network of skilled independent professionals dedicated to providing quality health care services to treat the whole person, including a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Psychologist, Rolfer, Yoga Therapist, Massage Therapist and Craniosacral Practitioner, Integrative Healer /Curandera, and a Full Spectrum Doula/Herbalist/Ancestral Medicine Practitioner.


The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center and Elizabeth Legg are fully committed to conducting all activities in strict conformation with the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), the American Psychological Association (APA), American Counseling Association (ACA), National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), and EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) grievance procedures as well as with all legal and ethical responsibilities of those organizations. We are committed to transparent, respectful, fair, and non-discriminatory promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of the The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center. While The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center goes to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate areas of concern, there will be occasional issues which come to our attention, requiring intervention and/or action on the part of The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center. During a training, should a concern arise for any participant, Elizabeth Legg, The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center, and our advisory committee are invested in addressing those concerns in a timely, thoughtful and respectful manner, to include changing practice partners, addressing staff or facility issues, improving course content, etc. All grievances (including complaints about course content, speakers, facilities, and nonreceipt of certificates, as well as refund requests and other miscellaneous occurrences) are reviewed and addressed by our advisory committee, which is made up of Psychologists, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Clinical Social Workers and the ACE Social Work Consultant. Our advisory committee can be found in the Training Team section of the page. Our committee will make every effort possible to include the most appropriate member(s) of the advisory committee in the response to any grievance in such a way as to lessen the risk of bias and involvement in multiple roles, while increasing the opportunities for problem resolution, strengthen decisions regarding such complaints, and to maximize objectivity. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center’s approach to resolving grievances is always from the perspective of what is in the best interest of the participant. All complaints and grievances are reviewed within 5 working days. Formal grievances are required to be written and emailed to and will be responded to within 10 business days. If The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center is am unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you have the right to file a grievance with the Mental Health Licensing Section of the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA): 1560 Broadway Street, Suite 1350, Denver, CO 80202; 303-894-7800.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Refresher Course intended for?

This EMDR Therapy Refresher is a multi-module course for clinicians who have previously completed an EMDRIA-Approved training but have not applied that learning for a period of time, lack confidence in their EMDR skills, or wish to strengthen their understanding and practice of EMDR therapy. It is also for those who strive to integrate EMDR within an attachment-friendly and relational approach.

Is the Refresher Course live or an on-demand webinar?

Both. The EMDR Therapy Refresher course includes a 2-Part Training Itinerary: a Part I On Demand learning experience through recorded webinars as well as an optional Part II Live Practicum and Q&A portion (offered both Virtually and In Person).

Do I have to complete the Refresher Course Part I before participating in Part II?

Yes. The Part I training is an essential building block for the Part II training. The Part II live practicum portion is your opportunity to practice with peers in a supervised setting the skills that you will review in the Part I On Demand didactic material.

What is the cost of the Refresher Course?

Part I is $175, and Part II is $200.

Is there a payment plan for the Refresher Course?

If you are able to pay the full registration fee but need to space out payments, we would be happy to provide a payment plan that allows for you to pay in installments. Email us at to arrange a payment plan that will work for you.

Are there partial scholarships available for the Refresher Course?

Many mental health therapists experience inequitable employment and compensation that make it challenging to afford EMDR trainings and other advanced clinical trainings. Others are experiencing financial hardship for a variety of reasons. We provide partial scholarship to help reduce financial barriers that might otherwise prevent clinicians from accessing professional development opportunities to better serve their clients. We offer one discounted slot per training cohort to licensed mental health professionals of $50 off the EMDR Therapy Refresher. Please click here to complete the partial scholarship application form. Priority is given to Black, Indigenous, other people of color (BIPOC), LGBTQ+, disabled and other minoritized clinicians.

What is the cancellation policy for the Part I and II Trainings?

Part I On-Demand only training: non-refundable Part II training (whether in person or virtual): Full refund or transfer, minus $100 administrative fee, available up to 14 days before training. No refund or transfer to another cohort available within 14 days of training.

Are there CEs available for this course?

Yes. Elizabeth Legg, PhD, LPC, NCC is approved by the EMDR International Association to provide Commercial EMDR Trainings. EMDR Therapy Refresher has been approved for a total of 15 EMDRIA Credits. Part I On Demand portion is worth 8 EMDRIA credits and Part II In Person Practicum portion is worth 7 EMDRIA credits. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center has also been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7043. We are pursuing approval with other continuing education boards currently. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Road Less Traveled Counseling Center maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

I registered for the online course but have not received an email confirmation with course access instructions.  What should I do?

Allow up to 2-business days for the email confirmation. Also, check your spam folder! If you are part of an agency or larger institution, you may need to talk with your system administrator about potential firewalls that block email campaigns. Email us if you have any questions or concerns:

Can I share this training with a colleague?  (ie: one person buys and then shares the access link with someone else who hasn't paid)

Sharing links for an on-demand training is prohibited.

How long will I have access to the On-Demand portion of the course?

90 days from the date of access to the material. After 90 days, you will be given the option to continue to receive access to the course materials for $40 per month.

Contact Info





2253 N. Downing Street, Denver, CO 80205

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